Just because Christmas is almost here.......

Saw this video on someone's blog.
Couldn't resist posting it
And if you have time to waste as I obviously did?
Actually I chose to waste time....
Don't tell anyone that I'm not upstairs
Wrapping presents......
Enjoy and go to YouTube
type in "Scary Snowman"
and enjoy the rest of this man's video work.
Most of all?
Happy Holidays!!

Day 44: 2012 - Letters of Note - Your loving Santa Claus

I subscribe to a blog, Letters of Note

Every day or two or three, in my inbox, is a wonderful letter from someone of note, in the past, or in the present..........talking about something wonderful.  I would tell everyone to give themselves this gift, this wonderful letter that arrives in your inbox.

Today's "gift" - because that's what I think it was at this frenetic moment in time, was a letter from Mark Twain to his daughter Susie, talking about Santa, love and Christmas and how they are all intertwined.  I remember when my son was a little one, and he thought that for sure he'd discovered that Santa wasn't real, and he announced it loud and clear...........I looked at him and said that if Santa wasn't real, then who was he? 

And there was no answer.  I said, Santa is everyone who loves you.  Everyone who loves you wants to put a gift in your stocking to prove how much you're loved.  And at age 6? 7? I can't remember the exact year?  That answer was more than enough to let him believe in Santa for another year.

An explanation of today's letter:

During Christmas in the 1870s, when he wasn't sending horse-led sleighs piled high with food and toys to his less fortunate neighbours, the inimitable Mark Twain could usually be found at the family home with his wife and young children, often pretending to be Santa Claus. On Christmas morning of 1875, Twain's 3-year-old daughter, Susie, awoke to find the following charming letter on her bed.

Palace of St. Nicholas.
In the Moon.
Christmas Morning.

My dear Susie Clemens:

I have received and read all the letters which you and your little sister have written me by the hand of your mother and your nurses; I have also read those which you little people have written me with your own hands—for although you did not use any characters that are in grown peoples' alphabet, you used the characters that all children in all lands on earth and in the twinkling stars use; and as all my subjects in the moon are children and use no character but that, you will easily understand that I can read your and your baby sister's jagged and fantastic marks without any trouble at all. But I had trouble with those letters which you dictated through your mother and the nurses, for I am a foreigner and cannot read English writing well. You will find that I made no mistakes about the things which you and the baby ordered in your own letters—I went down your chimney at midnight when you were asleep and delivered them all myself—and kissed both of you, too, because you are good children, well trained, nice mannered, and about the most obedient little people I ever saw. But in the letter which you dictated there were some words which I could not make out for certain, and one or two small orders which I could not fill because we ran out of stock. Our last lot of kitchen furniture for dolls has just gone to a very poor little child in the North Star away up, in the cold country above the Big Dipper. Your mama can show you that star and you will say: "Little Snow Flake," (for that is the child's name) "I'm glad you got that furniture, for you need it more than I." That is, you must write that, with your own hand, and Snow Flake will write you an answer. If you only spoke it she wouldn't hear you. Make your letter light and thin, for the distance is great and the postage very heavy.

There was a word or two in your mama's letter which I couldn't be certain of. I took it to be "trunk full of doll's clothes." Is that it? I will call at your kitchen door about nine o'clock this morning to inquire. But I must not see anybody and I must not speak to anybody but you. When the kitchen doorbell rings, George must be blindfolded and sent to open the door. Then he must go back to the dining room or the china closet and take the cook with him. You must tell George he must walk on tiptoe and not speak—otherwise he will die someday. Then you must go up to the nursery and stand on a chair or the nurse's bed and put your car to the speaking tube that leads down to the kitchen and when I whistle through it you must speak in the tube and say, "Welcome, Santa Claus!" Then I will ask whether it was a trunk you ordered or not. If you say it was, I shall ask you what color you want the trunk to be. Your mama will help you to name a nice color and then you must tell me every single thing in detail which you want the trunk to contain. Then when I say "Good bye and a merry Christmas to my little Susie Clemens," you must say "Good bye, good old Santa Claus, I thank you very much and please tell that little Snow Flake I will look at her star tonight and she must look down here—I will be right in the west bay window; and every fine night I will look at her star and say, 'I know somebody up there and like her, too.'" Then you must go down into the library and make George close all the doors that open into the main hall, and everybody must keep still for a little while. I will go to the moon and get those things and in a few minutes I will come down the chimney that belongs to the fireplace that is in the hall—if it is a trunk you want—because I couldn't get such a thing as a trunk down the nursery chimney, you know.

People may talk if they want, until they hear my footsteps in the hall. Then you tell them to keep quiet a little while till I go back up the chimney. Maybe you will not hear my footsteps at all—so you may go now and then and peep through the dining-room doors, and by and by you will see that thing which you want, right under the piano in the drawing room-for I shall put it there. If I should leave any snow in the hall, you must tell George to sweep it into the fireplace, for I haven't time to do such things. George must not use a broom, but a rag—else he will die someday. You must watch George and not let him run into danger. If my boot should leave a stain on the marble, George must not holystone it away. Leave it there always in memory of my visit; and whenever you look at it or show it to anybody you must let it remind you to be a good little girl. Whenever you are naughty and somebody points to that mark which your good old Santa Claus's boot made on the marble, what will you say, little sweetheart?

Goodbye for a few minutes, till I come down to the world and ring the kitchen door-bell.

Your loving

Santa Claus

Whom people sometimes call "The Man in the Moon"

Day 42: 2012 - Portrait Drawing Third Session

And back to Terry's garage for the third, actually it was the fourth or fifth session as I didn't start taking photos until now.........Again, measuring, measuring with calipers, pencils, sticks.  I actually took a very thin knitting needle to class with me thinking that that would be easier. 

I'm having a horrible time with all the different versions of charcoal.  We draw with HB pencils, add a little 2H perhaps, put in the darkest darks with vine charcoal, use a paint brush to rub some of the charcoal out and about to smooth its surface, go back in with Conte to make very dark darks, then go back in with the kneaded eraser to erase out the lights.........I get so confused with the materials and which to use when...

My start....angles, angles, angles!
 My start, Terry stepping in and helping saying if I would get the darks in, the drawing would come together automatically.  Easy for him to say.   ;-))

more lines added  

mine with darkest darks started
barbara's i think

eric's i think

Day 41: 2012 - Portrait Drawing Second Session

And back to Terry's class I went the following Tuesday night.  Oh the measuring! How hard it is!!  We are to block in the face, drawing angles, no round shapes allowed......

 Sitting to the side isn't bad in this class as there are only 4 of us.
But, you can see that I didn't "quite" get the angle.

Terry's lighting the models from the top so that everyone has a "lit" model, no artistic lighting.  We are to see the roundness of the face, the progression of shadow from the forehead down to the chin.
And enter the shadows accordingly.  Darn, this is really hard and here I thought it was just going to be practicing skills I thought I had nailed down years ago!
The models charge us to take photos.  I could understand charging us if they were nude models...... but these guys are sitting there, fully clothed, in Terry's garage....and one of the women wanted $20.00 per photo!  I'm too cheap. I have no photo of that model.  Most of them were $5 or $10, take a couple of photos, that'll be fine.  I like to have a photo of the person I was "trying to draw".

Day 40: 2012 - portrait drawing class first session

Decided to get back to drawing again....it's been a very long time with what all's been happening around this house since last Spring.  Signed up to take a course from Terry Kelly, a Pasadena artist I got to know because of his participation in the Arlington Garden Artist Event.  His oil paintings of the Garden sold quickly - wonderful small works. 

He alerted a group of people to the fact that he would like to teach a portrait class, at night, for 10 weeks and I "took a flyer" as we say.  I hate night classes!

So, off I trudged to work with charcoal, an unfamiliar medium, and to work with a person who really knew how to draw portraits.  We were told to bring calipers to measure.........whoops! 

That's getting serious folks!

Here/s the model:

Here are my "starts" to drawing and then Terry stepped in and offered up some help, thank goodness

Discussions about putting in the darkest darks......

Started head too high on the page, oh well........

Trying to teach me how to do the shadow under the nose.....

And here's my final version after Terry helped me.

Day 39: 2012 - The Traveling Chicken ........again

The Traveling Chicken made it to Hyderabad, India!  She left Carol Marine's house in Oregon and made the perilous journey in the company of El Pollo Loco, across the ocean to a very foreign place for her.  She had a wonderful visit and met some wonderful friends. 

Take a look at http://travel-chicken.blogspot.com/  and enjoy her Indian visit.

She goes from Hyderabad, India to Great Britain............the list of artists who want to join her and us in her traveling quest is growing!  Take a look at where she's going! and "Oh The People She'll Meet" to quote Dr. Seuss.

If you have any interest, and if you are a blogger (one of the requirements), please click on the appropriate spot on the blog and let Nancie Johnson of New Jersey know you're interested.

I get the biggest smile on my face each time an artist posts her painting and her story.  Such fun!

Day 38: 2012 Sketching/Drawing

My whole life, whenever I've been on the telephone with someone, I've always drawn heads. When I'm in a long meeting, I draw heads and any people's faces I can see. It doesn't seem to take me away from the conversation/concentration but I suddenly realized that this is what I do and what I've always done.  Maybe I've always wanted to be a portrait person.

Was on the phone with a friend the other day.  All over my desk are accumulations of photos torn out of the newspaper.  On top of the pile was a photo of Joe Paterno left over from that mess at Penn State.  I started my initial sketch.  This is as far as I got that day.

Some other phone call, I'll do him again, and again, and pretty soon I'll photo enlarge him, having gotten the gist of his face, draw him 8x10 or so and have at him with the watercolor paints.  That part is always so much fun.

Here's as far as I got the first time.

Day 37: 2012 The Little Chicken and Sketchbooks with removable pages

Have you seen what a group of us have been up to with regards to the Travelling Chicken?
About the Project

Would you have any interest in joining in? It's been fun, seeing what other people can think of with regards to the Little Chicken.
We "require" that the participating artists have a blog and most of you most certainly qualify!
If you want to join in on the fun, send me an email:  polsby     at    yahoo.com

And then for all you sketchers out there.  Came across an interesting sketchbook which has removable, replaceable pages.  You can organize your sketchbook long "after the fact", you can remove "bad" pages, you can insert more sketches.........sounds pretty good and I didn't know if you'd heard of it yet.

50# paper
Never have really like canson products but this could be interesting.

Day 36: 2012 Splash magazine 13

Bought the "Splash" magazine, 13th edition, because as always, there is some fantastic watercolor artwork.  Ted Nuttall was featured again. Congratulations to you! And some other fabulous people. I fell in love with the following painting of "The Girls on a Windy Day".

For those of you lucky enough to live in Phoenix, or nearby, Kim teaches.  I'd love to see how she does this wonderful work!!
Her technique reminds me of Ted Nuttall and Charles Reid....lush, lush use of watercolor!\
"Deep Thinker"
Go to her website and enjoy her wonderful work!

Day 35: 2012 - Portrait Painting At Its Worst

Spanish church mural ruined by well-intentioned restorer

Ecce Homo painting by Elías García Martínez was unremarkable until transformation by well-intentioned but hack-handed amateur.

The 19th-century painting was damaged by amateur art restorer Cecilia Gimenez, who said she had been given permission by the priest Link to this video

Somewhere in the north-eastern Spanish city of Borja, an elderly woman is probably praying that the road to hell is not really paved with good intentions.  There can be little doubt that the woman, identified only as an octogenarian local, was just trying to help when she noticed that the face of the scourged Christ on the wall of a small church in the city was looking a bit faded, and decided to freshen it up a bit.   Sadly for her – and Elías García Martínez, the 19th-century artist who painted the mural – her brush skills were not quite up to the job.   The unnamed amateur has transformed what was once a pleasant, if unremarkable, Ecce Homo into something that more closely resembles a bloated hedgehog than the image of Jesus before Pilate.

The press have dubbed her efforts "the worst restoration in history" and "a botched job", and the Borja authorities fear they are right.  According to the local paper,  El Heraldo de Aragon, the damage inflicted on the mural in the church of the Santuario de la Misericordia is being investigated by experts, but the artist's descendants are said to be unhappy that an individual decided to take the restoration job into her own hands and fear her handiwork is irreversible.

Juan María de Ojeda, a city councillor, said the woman, acting "spontaneously and with good intentions", had confessed what had happened as soon as she realised "that things had got out of hand".  He added that while the mural was not a work of great importance, it retained a certain sentimental value as the artist's family still have strong links to the area.  "The family used to come here on holiday," Ojeda told El Pais. "He painted the picture one summer and left it to the town."
Although no one seems sure when the woman embarked on the restoration project, news of the incident first surfaced on the blog of the Centre for Borja Studies a fortnight ago.

The centre posted some graphic before-and-after pictures, along with a plaintive message confirming that someone had recently been up to no good with a brush.  "As incredible as it may seem, this is all that remains of the work of an artist whose descendants still live in our city," it said. "We do not know whether this unspeakable deed can de remedied, but there can be no doubt whatsoever that someone should take the necessary action to ensure that such behaviour is not repeated. Whatever the motives were, it must be roundly condemned."

Day 34: 2012 The Traveling Chicken Again.

About the Project

Don't know if any of you have been following the incredible saga of the Traveling Chicken. Her story has only become better and better with all the participating artists! Everyone's had their own take on things: she posed for Picasso, she was kidnapped by a wild Kudzu plant, she went to Mexico and got smashed.......

Today's posting by Kathleen Williford of Georgia was great! Thanks Kathleen.

Check out the Little Chicken's story.

And remember, if you want to participate, you need to get in touch with Nancie Johnson.  You need a blog and that's the only basic requirement.

Day 33: 2012 - Letters of Note

Have only just taken up a brush again.  Paintings look like they did about 5 years ago: sophomoric, badly applied paint - but then, every once in a while, there's a portion of a painting which you really like.  The paints bled together, the color mix was great..........I'm thinking about just cutting these parts out of each painting and making a collage of pieces!  Actually that might be a fun thing to do rather than fill the wastebasket with the test paintings.

In the meanwhile, you find me reading O.P.B.  (Other People's Blogs) and whiling away the morning.  One of my favorite new finds is Letters of Note.  Gossipy, informative, fun.  Enjoy

Here are two of my latest paintings........landscape has never been my forte but I was trying......

And then there's Mark Twain.  Took a portrait painting class (my true love) from Rose Sinatra who's shortly moving "home" to New Jersey.  It was an interesting lesson in painting the shadows first, an unheard of "theory" in portrait, or watercolor painting, in general.  The portrait isn't finished, but it was such an interesting exercise that I thought I'd post it anyway.

Day 32: 2012 Annelein Beukenkamp workshop in Pasadena

Hi there everyone. I've hired Annelein Beukenkamp to come to Pasadena, California in October (October 16, 17, 18 - Tues, Wed, Thurs) to do a "Still Life with Flower Power" watercolor workshop. She will have just finished a tour with the Santa Clara Valley Watercolor Society and said she'd stay an extra week in California and come south for us.
Location is the Montrose Citibank Community Room.
Price: $295 for the 3 full days 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
I have always loved her work with flowers, roosters, still life, and lately she's begun to feature her portrait work on her blog and it is wonderful as well. I've tried to attach photos of her work to this email but can't. She had a problem, just like Jean Haines, the English watercolorist, with theft of her work off of the internet so she must have blocked the images. Go to her website and just enjoy her work. She does a lot of negative painting but makes it look so easy.
Would love to have you join in. I'm going to hold the class to no more than 14 students.
If you're interested contact me immediately. 
Vermillion Vision

On a StrollGraceful Forms

Day 31: James Gurney - Gurney Journey blog

James Gurney has a fabulous blog.  It's always full of interesting observations, interesting drawings and paintings.  Today's blog entry is all about observing shadows cast by tree leaves and why they look like they do.

An entry last week was of an older man at a concert. James travels with a Moleskin sketchbook and colored pencils and water pens and does these wonderful, onsite, immediate drawings. 

Done while the concert was going on.  It was also very interesting, to me at least, to read people's comments and questions regarding the above drawing so if you go to this blog entry, be sure and read the comments.

I'd say, just for an interesting read every day, subscribe to James' blog.

Day 30: 2012 And The Traveling Chicken Continues....

The Little Chicken was sent by me, Jill, to Ann Feldman of Illinois, who took her on a vacation with her to Quebec:
Traveling Chicken's blog:  http://travel-chicken.blogspot.com/
Hello Fellow Traveling Chicken friends!

Here's the latest on the traveling Troop of Chickens: They arrived here in Chicago a few weeks ago from Jill's house. The Little Yellow Chicken (or Le Petite Poulet as she is known in Quebec) accompanied me to Quebec City and Montreal for a week of sightseeing and listening to jazz at the International Jazz Festival. Her feathers were a bit ruffled after she got re-routed to Newark for one night when the suitcase she was tucked into went to Quebec via the scenic route! I tried to explain to her that it was for her own good that she spent the night in a sturdy shoe. But all was very well after she was placed into many beautiful flower boxes for her portrait. She even managed to be captured in a couple of toy store windows and restaurant table setups. As her temporary host mom, I've been busy painting away, finishing up these little paintings now that we're home.
I have a painting to share with you, below. Doesn't she look happy there? She is a wonderful travel companion, and she picks up new languages quite easily-- "Le Clucque" is her favorite new phrase!
Thanks so much for entrusting the little troop to me-- it was great fun spending time with them!!!


Ann Feldman
Visit my blog:
And Jill says we're asking Ann to send us the other photos she has of the Little Chicken and we'll post those on the blog too.
And now the Little Chicken goes to K.S. Stitt of California.....

Day 28: 2012 Some gorgeous brushwork by Nora MacPhail

One of the artists, Sandy Sandy, (that's her real name) who's one of the artists selected to to paint the Little Chicken mentioned Nora MacPhail in her blog as someone who does great contour drawings and then emphasizes them with watercolors.  They're wonderful!  The link below is fun - it links to Daily Paintworks - and shows one of Nora's paintings with the ability to magnify the painting.  Look at how many colors, look at how many placements of color..........it's wonderful!


I subscribed to Nora's blog and keep getting these wonderful emails with her artwork. Today's morning started with the most gorgeous oranges!!  Enjoy.

Day 29: 2012 Two Fabulous Blogs

The talented woman who is behind the blog "A Jarful of Words" mentioned another blog that she follows: "Letters of Note".  Today's post from "Letters of Note" is wonderful.  For your first reading of one of the historical letters, just enjoy.  It's Will Rogers writing to Charles Russell, the famous western artist.  Charles has passed away and Will is writing to Charles' widow.

And if you haven't looked at "A Jarful of Words" yet, would you please? I think the woman who writes it is fantastic!   Today she is celebrating July 4th.

Day 27: 2012 The Traveling Chicken and her blog

What seems like many months ago, a project was started.  The Traveling Chicken.  If you've been following the saga, and quite a saga it's been, you know that I've been waiting for a replacement chicken.  She arrived a day ago.  I spent all day today, literally, painting the Little Chicken so that I could send her on her way.  It's been about 3-4-5 months since I've painted anything and boy......the techniques do not come back easily!

Here are my attempts.  I'm going to post the last one as my addition to the blog and tomorrow? I'll pack her up and send her on to Ann Feldman of Illinois who has plans to take the Traveling Chicken across the border into Canada and paint the Chicken as she enjoys her next adventure.  After that she will be sent to (in no order) to either:
sandy sandy (that's her actual name) who lives in new jersey.
k.s. stitt, who lives here in southern california
All 3 of these painters commented on the Traveling Chicken via the blog.  If you have any interest in joining in on this fun, slow moving challenge, speak up via the comment section on the blog and we'll "vet" you and add you to the list of painters.
The Chicken and I spent a morning over a cup of coffee, discussing how she would best appear, minus her jet lag from her most recent trip.
And the paintings:

Bon Voyage Little Chicken
Enjoy your travels and tell us all about
the artists you meet along the way.
We're waiting to hear.

Day 26: 2012 - Karin Jurick's fabulous paintings

Note: Sometimes you have to click on the link at the bottom of my blog post in order to see the whole post....sometimes just a portion of it actually shows up.  Yesterday's post was an example of that: only a partial post showed up. Very misleading.

For years now (maybe 3?) I've followed Karin Jurick's painting work.  I got started paying attention to her because she used to post a painting challenge on her blog "Different Strokes From Different Folks" that was portrait centered. And then she did the fantabulous portrait challenge where everyone (there were 158 of us if I remember correctly) painted each other.  I then mounted a reverse challenge where all of us painted a portrait of Karin.  That was so much fun and I was able to keep our challenge a secret from Karin until all most the very end when someone emailed Karin to ask where she should send the painting she had painted of her.  Oh well.  Karin was taken by surprise, which was the point of the whole thank you paint out!  

That's a way too long introduction of Karin Jurick.  She's a fabulous painter, usually painting on small canvases 4x4, 6x6, using big brushes.

 Her gestural paintings are phenomenal. Her portraits are fabulous.  Her paintings of people sitting on the beach in Florida are almost surreal they're so great. 

And she always paints people in museums.....juxtaposing what the museum visitors are doing with the actual painting.  They're wonderful too.

Spend some time reading her different blogs and just fall in love with how good she is!

Today's blog post from her is a man's face.  From her blogsite "Bust-Ed".  Karin searches the internet for jail "booking photos".  There are myriad thousands of these photos available and she never identifies anything about the person other than their face.  Check out today's face:

And then I started clicking around and ended up in Karin's Picasa (photo) account that contains all the faces.  Wow!  Enjoy! 

Her blog where she displays and talks about the photos:


Originally she painted a face a day, 100 faces, 100 days.  She now paints maybe one face a week because she's painting so many other things and has so many shows to paint for.

I just continue to love her work, love reading her blog, love seeing how hard work, doing a painting a day, pays off.  Enjoy.

Day 25: 2012 - Little Chicken and Stayin' Alive

Little Chicken Arrived!! Whoopee! and thanks again to the Tiger Stores of Denmark via England where a really nice person searched their stock, found the Little Chicken and put her in the mail to California so that she could resume her journey around the world being painted by "soon-to-be-famous-paintresses".  Or so we hope.  I've given a huge thanks on my blog, on Facebook and personally. So thank you once again Tiger Stores for service above and beyond anyone's expectations! It was a thrill to have someone answer my email and it was a thrill to open my "packet" yesterday and find the Little Chicken safely nestled in scads and scads of plastic bubble wrap......takin' no chances was that wonderful person in England who sent her to me.

And in the next two days I VIL paint that Little Chick. And get her on her way.  I think that she will be escorted by her whole entourage though, mama and the siblings, El Pollo Azul.......someone's gotta keep that girl out of trouble.


Received an email today with something that always makes me smile. I don't know how many times I've seen this video and I just adore it!  Watch. Smile. Remember.

Day 24: 2012....still waiting for the chicken and something different to do

An interesting project:
The Blind Self Portrait

Could be something fun to try while I await the little English chicken's arrival so that I can continue the Traveling Chicken Project.

Day 23: 2012 The Traveling Chicken - part five

A world wide painting project started several months ago!!

About the Project

The travels & adventures of a small, ceramic chicken
as it makes it way around the art world.
Once upon a time, a small, ceramic chicken was purchased at the British version of the U.S.'s Dollar Store, Tiger England, by Azra Iqbal who was looking for small things to use in her still life paintings.  She painted the following painting and then thought how much fun it would be to send this little chicken on a worldwide adventure, traveling to different countries, meeting different painters.

So she contacted her friend  Karla Uphoff who lives in Illinois and asked if she'd like to paint the little chicken.  Enthusiastic response by Karla and the little chicken was put in the mail to Illinois.  Karla's normally an oil painter but decided to paint the chicken for Easter Sunday in watercolor.

And then Karla contacted Nancie Johnson of New Jersey and the chicken was shipped off, wrapped in its original red tissue paper for the journey.

Nancie said: When this little chicken arrived, I ran all over the house (and yard), posing this little chick everywhere. It was in the flower bed, on the bird bath, in various locations in the house. And I took photos in each - but nothing worked the way I wanted it to. The chick looked lost amongst the larger than life leaves in my photos - zooming in to get the little chick center stage made the leaves in the garden look like imposing alien creatures!

So I simply sat down and looked at the chick for a while. And I noticed how unusual the chicken actually was - from the markings on its body to the unusual beak and tail. And then I wondered what a flock of live chickens would think of this little one?

My painting is the outcome of that thought & question. Titled "One of the Flock?" shows the puzzled chicks looking at the little chicken with confusion. The little chick has no qualms about its identity - it knows who it is. So it just sits as the others simply guess.

The little chicken has been safely packaged and mailed to
Jill Polsby in California, who has agreed to do the 4th installment of the The Traveling Chicken challenge. I wonder how far and wide this little chick with travel!?!
And then Jill Polsby, Pasadena, CA received the Traveling Chicken.  Her life was a bit crazy at the moment so she asked her internet friend Nancy Goldman of Orange County, California to step in, and step in she did.  She did an outrageous thing to this little jet-lagged, mind agog, little bird.  She took her out for a day by the pool, showing off our gorgeous Southern California winter weather!

She then sent the little chicken back to Jill in Pasadena where the Traveling Chicken threw a hissy fit.  She wanted more of the sun. She wanted more of travels. She didn't want to be in this staid old town.  She found the Greyhound Bus Station and took herself to Ensenada, Baja Mexico, a wild party town south of the border.  And, like every other tourist, she found Hussong's Cantina

where she proceeded to have a wild, wild time like all tourists do and she ended up very smashed on beer.

She had met some crazy men at Hussong's. The blue rooster (El Pollo Azul) ** had some crazy moves) and she had some great fun dancing and singing to the Mariachi music!
With her one call home to her momma in England......
Momma sent bus fare and money for the psychiatrist to put her broken body back into shape.

The psychiatrist tried, but the little chicken was so frazzled, her mind so bent by that Mexican frolic, that her edges couldn't be smoothed.

Jill did paint one picture of the frazzled chicken before the psychiatrist got his hands on her.

And then the truth must out!  Little Chicken actually was smashed by our incredible U.S. postal system, smashed to smithereens in her original red tissue paper packaging which had survived crossing the Atlantic Ocean, crossing the United States, moving within the state of California. 

While studying the pieces of the chicken to try to glue her back together (obviously nothing Jill should try to do to earn a living), there was a upc code discovered on the bottom side of the chicken which, with research, led Jill to a Danish company, Tiger Stores, which has branches in England.

On a devil's errand, Jill wrote the company via the internet with the following request:

Fra: jill polsby [mailto:polsby@yahoo.com]
Sendt: 23. maj 2012 04:13
Til: Tahir Hussain
Emne: strange question for you, nothing to do with opening a store
I am looking for a product you had, I think in England.
A small yellow ceramic chicken with white spots
the tag is still on it
0200010020696 from what I can read
Batch 62334
It's part of a worldwide "floating" art project that's been happening via the internet. This little chicken has visited a lot of countries, safely, until she got to the United States where our "incredibly efficient" post office smashed her on her way back to my house. I've been trying to glue her back together without much success and am so in hopes that somewhere in your inventory, you'll find me another little yellow chicken with white spots.
She's about 2 inches by 2 inches, red comb, yellow tail.
I've attached a picture I took of her when she first arrived at my house.

And surprises of all surprises!!  Tiger Stores in Denmark sent my request on to the marketing manager in Great Britain.  And back by email came this fantastic letter from the Tiger Store in London!!

Hello Jill
Your email regarding locating a ceramic chicken has been passed to me in London from our parent company in Denmark! You will be pleased to know we have found one. If you can email me your full name and address I will arrange to have it sent to you.
As a way of thanks we would appreciate if you can write about the project and the circumstances you found a replacement for the broken one. If you use Facebook it would be great if you could post it on our page atwww.facebook.com/tigerengland
Kind regards
Emma Bier
Design & Marketing

I'm now awaiting the arrival of a new Traveling Chicken who shall have her own "coop" to travel in from now on, no more of the red tissue packaging.  Mom might travel with her and perhaps her muchacho, the cock of the walk, who she took up with while in Ensenada!  There are possibilities for group posings?

Stay tuned for Jill's poses of this errant chicken.  And if you might be interested in being part of the Chicken's Travels, speak up.

**El Pollo Azul, the blue rooster, is actually a sculpture by a famous Mexican artist, Juan Jose Medrano of Tonala, Jalisco and cost Jill $32.00!!  But boy, howdy, did the Little Chicken like his moves.