Day 25: 2012 - Little Chicken and Stayin' Alive

Little Chicken Arrived!! Whoopee! and thanks again to the Tiger Stores of Denmark via England where a really nice person searched their stock, found the Little Chicken and put her in the mail to California so that she could resume her journey around the world being painted by "soon-to-be-famous-paintresses".  Or so we hope.  I've given a huge thanks on my blog, on Facebook and personally. So thank you once again Tiger Stores for service above and beyond anyone's expectations! It was a thrill to have someone answer my email and it was a thrill to open my "packet" yesterday and find the Little Chicken safely nestled in scads and scads of plastic bubble wrap......takin' no chances was that wonderful person in England who sent her to me.

And in the next two days I VIL paint that Little Chick. And get her on her way.  I think that she will be escorted by her whole entourage though, mama and the siblings, El Pollo Azul.......someone's gotta keep that girl out of trouble.


Received an email today with something that always makes me smile. I don't know how many times I've seen this video and I just adore it!  Watch. Smile. Remember.

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