Day 42: 2012 - Portrait Drawing Third Session

And back to Terry's garage for the third, actually it was the fourth or fifth session as I didn't start taking photos until now.........Again, measuring, measuring with calipers, pencils, sticks.  I actually took a very thin knitting needle to class with me thinking that that would be easier. 

I'm having a horrible time with all the different versions of charcoal.  We draw with HB pencils, add a little 2H perhaps, put in the darkest darks with vine charcoal, use a paint brush to rub some of the charcoal out and about to smooth its surface, go back in with Conte to make very dark darks, then go back in with the kneaded eraser to erase out the lights.........I get so confused with the materials and which to use when...

My start....angles, angles, angles!
 My start, Terry stepping in and helping saying if I would get the darks in, the drawing would come together automatically.  Easy for him to say.   ;-))

more lines added  

mine with darkest darks started
barbara's i think

eric's i think

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