I was alerted to this wonderful series of photos by my niece-in-law Meme. I didn't know that NPR has a "feed" called the "Daily Picture Show" where people submit photos. This particular series of photos, with an introduction written by the father, was a superbly pleasant way to start my morning. Spend whatever time you have available enjoying this small girl and perhaps? You could stop the feed and paint a gestural painting? a portrait? Many painting opportunities in this series of photos.
The Verdugo Hills Watercolor Society's latest newsletter had an interesting blogsite mentioned by the editor. She challenged all of us to go the Wordle website, create a wordle and send it back to her for inclusion in the next newsletter. It is so darned much fun to create these things. Take a look at Wordle and then take a look at what I made. Such fun!!
I am so jealous of this guy. He has the ability to write code like nobody's business. I'd give anything to be that computer savvy. He was working for/with IBM when he developed this Wordle site, with their blessing. He's now working with Google in Cambridge, Mass and thinks that it's hard being a beginner at Google. If he thinks that's hard ...................what hope is there for the rest of us wanna-be-nerds!?!