Day One of 2015.

It's nearing the last day of 2015 which prompted me to take a look at my blog - that long ignored website that so occupied my thoughts when I was a painter.  Life has sure intervened in the past two years and many, many zany things have happened.  I am now the owner/operator of a hand printed wallpaper company, C.W. Stockwell.  I manufacture and sell the very famous "Martinique" pattern - a pattern that my company designed and copyrighted in the 1940s and which has always been featured at the Beverly Hills Hotel in the coffee shop.  It's a fascinating business and with the lure of the 50s in design and decorating, the wallpaper is very much in demand.

This business is keeping me busy and involved and I love it!

Just thought I'd post and see if anyone's still out there.